Dacula Public Library - Dacula, Georgia

The Dacula Branch of the Gwinnett County Public Library completes the Dacula Park campus and is respectful of the park structures. We've created a 21st century library, ready to integrate progressing and future technologies, in a community center atmosphere. It will be a place to meet, learn, and exchange information.

Reading areas are strategically placed around the open, column-free stack areas. Public access computer stations will be conveniently located throughout. A centrally located service desk will be a multi-functional focal point for information exchange, circulation and check-out of library materials, and other services. From here, staff will be able to observe the cafe style lobby entrance, as well as all public areas.

The facility includes a whimsical indoor children's story hour amphitheater and outdoor children's garden; a bustling Teen Center supplied with magnetic poetry wall and diner style seating; a Quiet Study Room; indoor and outdoor common gathering spaces.
